US foreign policy is a significant factor in The position of Christians in
MENA, which is utterly disintegrating. The US, for example, is allied with
criminal Zionism, the US is allied with Zio-Wahhabism, the US is allied with an
increasingly Islamist Turkey, the US supports the jihadi/Takfiris against Syria
and Lebanon, the US has strengthened the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafist
movement, the US supports Wahhabi/Takfiri tools in Lebanon and the scum Geagea,
hell bent on supporting the eviction of Christians from their last stronghold in
Lebanon, and so on... Thus, radicalization of the Islamic world and increasing
Islamic terrorism is arguably abetted by Washington as is aggressive and
expansionist and criminal Zionism..., at the expense of Lebanon's best
We can recall the assassin in Chief Dick Cheney/Neocon vision of IsraHell allied with Saudi Arabia and the Gulfis versus Iran. Seems to be the Obama policy as well with Turkey added to the mix...
Meanwhile, the Christian communities of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and Palestine are under severe pressure. Young college educated Turkish, Lebanese, Egyptian and other Christians are considering leaving as the Istanbul yuppie teeny-bopper/20 somethings don headscarves and attitudes and the government Islamicizes the country foreclosing prospects for Christians..., and the same is happening all over MENA...
We can recall the assassin in Chief Dick Cheney/Neocon vision of IsraHell allied with Saudi Arabia and the Gulfis versus Iran. Seems to be the Obama policy as well with Turkey added to the mix...
Meanwhile, the Christian communities of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and Palestine are under severe pressure. Young college educated Turkish, Lebanese, Egyptian and other Christians are considering leaving as the Istanbul yuppie teeny-bopper/20 somethings don headscarves and attitudes and the government Islamicizes the country foreclosing prospects for Christians..., and the same is happening all over MENA...